Updating the Homepage

Show Upcoming Events

In our index.js file, we want to be able to show all of the upcoming events people can RSVP to. At the top of the file we can import gql and useQuery from apollo client. We will also need to import useState and our EventCard component.

import { useState } from "react"; import { gql, useQuery } from "@apollo/client"; import EventCard from "../components/EventCard";

We can define our query above our Home function like this:

const UPCOMING_EVENTS = gql` query Events($currentTimestamp: String) { events(where: { eventTimestamp_gt: $currentTimestamp }) { id name eventTimestamp imageURL } } `;

This query will return the id, name, eventTimestamp, and imageURL for every event that hasn't already happened yet.

Now in our Home function, we can fetch the current timestamp and load the query with the apollo client. Once we get the list of events, we can map over them to render a list of event cards.

export default function Home() { const [currentTimestamp, setEventTimestamp] = useState( new Date().getTime().toString() ); const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(UPCOMING_EVENTS, { variables: { currentTimestamp }, }); if (loading) return ( <Landing> <p>Loading...</p> </Landing> ); if (error) return ( <Landing> <p>`Error! ${error.message}`</p> </Landing> ); return ( <Landing> <ul role="list" className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-4 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-x-6 lg:grid-cols-4 xl:gap-x-8" > {data && data.events.map((event) => ( <li key={event.id}> <EventCard id={event.id} name={event.name} eventTimestamp={event.eventTimestamp} imageURL={event.imageURL} /> </li> ))} </ul> </Landing> ); }

Now on the homepage we should be able to see a list of the events we created!

βœ‹ Need Help?

If you need help, check to see if your question has already been asked in #section-8-help. If you don't see it in there, post a question with any details that would make it easy for a team member to help you. We'll answer most frequently asked questions in live office hours, so keep an eye out in #announcements for those!

🏝 Break Time

You've updated your homepage to show the list of upcoming events - create a few events and test it out!

End of Day 14

Writers: Sarah Schwartz