Fetching the Event Details

Open up the pages/event/[id].js file, which uses dynamic routing with Next.js to create a new page for each event minted based on the eventID. This is where we can show the details for a single event and users can RSVP.

First, we will need import gql the apollo client at the top of the page.

import { gql } from "@apollo/client"; import client from "../../apollo-client";

We can use the getServerSideProps function to fetch data from our subgraph from the server. You can learn more about this function and how Next.js renders content here if you'd like: https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/data-fetching/get-server-side-props

We can get the event ID from the page url, and pass that into our query to fetch the details for that event. Then we can return the data we get back as props to use on the page.

export async function getServerSideProps(context) { const { id } = context.params; const { data } = await client.query({ query: gql` query Event($id: String!) { event(id: $id) { id eventID name description link eventOwner eventTimestamp maxCapacity deposit totalRSVPs totalConfirmedAttendees imageURL rsvps { id attendee { id } } } } `, variables: { id: id, }, }); return { props: { event: data.event, }, }; }

Now we can import the event from our props in the Event function.

function Event({event}) {

Notice that this looks a lot like the query in our playground, but it’s nested inside a query object called Event where we must define the query input type (in this case, it's a string).

Now we can access the event from the props by using destructuring. To make sure we are receiving the event data we requested, we can try to logging the event to the console.

function Event({ event }) { console.log("EVENT:", event)

Create a new event on the create-event page, and click on the link to your event details page once the transaction has gone through. You might have to wait up to a few minutes for this to go through.

Once you can open up the event details page, you should be able to see your event details in the console.

Now we can use this data to replace the static values on the page.

✋ Need Help?

If you need help, check to see if your question has already been asked in #section-7-help. If you don't see it in there, post a question with any details that would make it easy for a team member to help you. We'll answer most frequently asked questions in live office hours, so keep an eye out in #announcements for those!

🏝 Break Time

You've learned how to query your subgraph through your client application using Apollo Client! Tomorrow you'll pick up where you left off and learn how to display the data returned from your query in your dapp.

Shoot out a tweet sharing an update, paste the link in #builders-hype and hype up other builders 🔥

End of Day 14

Writers: Sarah Schwartz, Editors: Sarah Z