At the top of the create-event
page, import the connectButton
from RainbowKit, useAccount
from wagmi, and the Alert
import { ConnectButton } from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit"; import { useAccount } from "wagmi"; import Alert from "../components/Alert";
At the top of CreateEvent
, just under export default function CreateEvent() {
set up the account
variable with useAccount
const { data: account } = useAccount();
We'll also set up state
variables to keep track of our alert messages, so our users can see if their event was successfully created or not. Add these just under the useAccount()
line above:
const [success, setSuccess] = useState(null); const [message, setMessage] = useState(null); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(null); const [eventID, setEventID] = useState(null);
In our createEvent
function, right before we console log "Minting..." and the transaction hash, we can set the status of loading
to true. Once the transaction has gone through successfully, we can set our success variable to true, set loading
to false, and set our success message.
setLoading(true); console.log("Minting...", txn.hash); let wait = await txn.wait(); console.log("Minted -- ", txn.hash); setEventID([0].args[0]); setSuccess(true); setLoading(false); setMessage("Your event has been created successfully.");
If we catch an error, we can set the message to show the error.
setSuccess(false); setMessage(`There was an error creating your event: ${error.message}`); setLoading(false);
Here's what your createEvent
function should look like now:
const createEvent = async (cid) => { try { const rsvpContract = connectContract(); if (rsvpContract) { let deposit = ethers.utils.parseEther(refund); let eventDateAndTime = new Date(`${eventDate} ${eventTime}`); let eventTimestamp = eventDateAndTime.getTime(); let eventDataCID = cid; const txn = await rsvpContract.createNewEvent( eventTimestamp, deposit, maxCapacity, eventDataCID, { gasLimit: 900000 } ); setLoading(true); console.log("Minting...", txn.hash); let wait = await txn.wait(); console.log("Minted -- ", txn.hash); setEventID([0].args[0]); setSuccess(true); setLoading(false); setMessage("Your event has been created successfully."); } else { console.log("Error getting contract."); } } catch (error) { setSuccess(false); setMessage(`There was an error creating your event: ${error.message}`); setLoading(false); console.log(error); } };
Now we can set up the alert component to show based on the success and loading status. We can add this inside the section className="relative py-12
{ loading && ( <Alert alertType={"loading"} alertBody={"Please wait"} triggerAlert={true} color={"white"} /> ); } { success && ( <Alert alertType={"success"} alertBody={message} triggerAlert={true} color={"palegreen"} /> ); } { success === false && ( <Alert alertType={"failed"} alertBody={message} triggerAlert={true} color={"palevioletred"} /> ); }
We can also wrap our form and header in a conditional statement so they don't show if the user successfully creates an event.
{ !success && ( <h1 className="text-3xl tracking-tight font-extrabold text-gray-900 sm:text-4xl md:text-5xl mb-4"> Create your virtual event </h1> ); }
We can also hide the form if a user hasn't connected their wallet.
{ account && !success && <form>...</form>; }
Next move onto the commented out section asking the user to connect their wallet, uncomment it to only show this if the user hasn't already connected their wallet.
{ !account && ( <section className="flex flex-col items-start py-8"> <p className="mb-4">Please connect your wallet to create events.</p> <ConnectButton /> </section> ); }
If the event is successfully created, we can show the user a success message and a link to their event page. We can add this at the bottom of the section
{ success && eventID && ( <div> Success! Please wait a few minutes, then check out your event page{" "} <span className="font-bold"> <Link href={`/event/${eventID}`}>here</Link> </span> </div> ); }
And that's it! Test out the page to see if you are able to successfully create a new event.
Note: Upon successfully creating an event, you'll see a confirmation message that includes a link to your event page. You'll be working on setting up event pages in Section 7. Onwards!
If you run into any errors, you can see a full copy of this page here:
Writers: Sarah Schwartz, Editors: Sarah Z, Jordan Rob