Subgraph Manifest

The subgraph manifest (subgraph.yaml) is where you can define settings for the subgraph. Most of this will already be filled out for you, but there are a few changes we need to make.

Just above the dataSources, we will need to add a features section where we can add ipfsOnEthereumContracts.

features: - ipfsOnEthereumContracts

Under dataSources, you can see our contract address and abi. We can add another property here called startBlock, which we will set to the block number when this contract was first deployed. Adding a start block reduces the amount of time it takes to index data for your subgraph.

You can find the start block on polygonscan. Copy the block number for the first transaction when the contract is created.

The top of our dataSources should now look like this:

dataSources: - kind: ethereum name: Web3RSVP network: mumbai source: address: "0xYOUR_ADDRESS_HERE" abi: Web3RSVP startBlock: 26(...YOUR_START_BLOCK)

We also want to update our Entity names. You can delete the generated entities here and replace them with the ones below. We will be creating four entities: Event, Account, RSVP, and Confirmation.

entities: - Event - Account - RSVP - Confirmation

The eventHandlers section is where we can tell the subgraph how to connect each of our mappings to different event triggers. This should already be filled out for you. Each time an event that is defined here is emitted from our contract, the corresponding mapping function set as the handler will run.

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Writers: Sarah Schwartz